Information in plain language

On this website we write some words with a little star *.
For example his*her.
This means: We include all people.
Men, women and people who do not feel like a man or a woman.

What is Tanzquartier Wien – TQW

Tanzquartier is a house for dance in Vienna.
TQW is the short form of Tanz Quartier Wien.
TQW was opened in 2001.
It is in MuseumsQuartier MQ.

TQW has an important job:
Working with artists who create
choreographies and performances.

Choreography means:
Inventing and rehearsing movements.
It is usually about dancing.

Performance means:
Doing or presenting something artistic.

TQW presents performances by artists from Austria and
by artists from other countries.

Ticket prices

Prices vary.
The tickets cost from 10 euros to 25 euros.

Do you have a Kulturpass?
Then the ticket is free for you.
Do you have an identity card for persons with disabilities?
Then you pay less for your ticket.

Do you want to order a ticket by phone?
Then please tell us
if you have a Kulturpass or
an identity card for persons with disabilities.
For other discounts look here.

How to get to TQW


More information about Tanzquartier

Wegbeschreibung TQW Halle G

Foto Eingang Halle G
