Workshop/Open Level 
Josephine Findeisen

Class Trouble / Klassenkörper

Josephine Findeisen,

born 1990 in Dresden, is a dancer and choreographer based in Berlin. In her practice, she investigates socio-economic realities and researches the entanglements of class, gender and body. Various physical research projects on class issues have emerged since 2016, including A Work that doesn’t Work or We might as well be on Crystal, SCHWEIßARBEIT, Working Class Dance Group and AUTOSCOOTER.

Class Trouble / Klassenkörper

This workshop aims to open a space where complex and sometimes invisible class structures can be understood and negotiated collectively. The starting point is a close reading of Mark Fisher’s Good for Nothing (in English) and Tanja Abou’s Prololesben und Arbeiter*innentöchter (in German), clarifying questions about the texts and exchanging experiences. The second part uses physical exercises to look at embodied aspects of class inequalities, focusing on different physical structures (e.g. skeleton and musculature). To what extent is class a physical experience? How do class inequalities manifest themselves in bodies?

Josephine Findeisen,

born 1990 in Dresden, is a dancer and choreographer based in Berlin. In her practice, she investigates socio-economic realities and researches the entanglements of class, gender and body. Various physical research projects on class issues have emerged since 2016, including A Work that doesn’t Work or We might as well be on Crystal, SCHWEIßARBEIT, Working Class Dance Group and AUTOSCOOTER.

180 min
180 min
TQW Studios
Free of charge, registration required

In English with German translation

Limited number of participants
