Dance & Performance 
Zeynab Kirikou Gueye & Lau Lukkarila

Hold yr ache 2 my ache

Zeynab Kirikou Gueye,

(they/them), born in Prague, is an interdisciplinary artist based in Vienna. Their practice is influenced by their research in postcolonial studies and the ability to dream of visionary futurisms amidst social depression. Since 2017, they have been articulating their artistic practices mainly through the study of music, performance, and the politics of the dancefloor, as well as through collaboration with artists and researchers on interdisciplinary and politically involved projects.


Lau Lukkarila,

(they/them), born by the shore of the Gulf of Bothnia in Finland, is a choreographer and performer based in Vienna. They explore awkwardness, visceral interactions, power dynamics and the charms and demands of affect. Likes: accountability, music, feelings, words, attentive touch. Dislikes: stagnant paradigms, ‘but there is no scientific proof’, pricks.


Artistic direction Lau Lukkarila Sound design, live sound, conceptual collaboration Zeynab Kirikou Gueye Performance Marika Peura, Lau Lukkarila Stage, costume, light Ju Aichinger, Val Holfeld Racial awareness doula mirabella paidamwoyo* dziruni Performance doula Claire Lefèvre Production Laura Hähnel – A production by not your babe association in co-production with Tanzquartier Wien. With kind support from the Municipal Department of Cultural Affairs, Vienna, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sports, Mad House Helsinki and Creative Crossroads – Life Long Burning, a project as part of the Creative Europe Programme by the European Union.

Hold yr ache 2 my ache

Slow burner with a heated heart. Enraged, more salt. As unready as stubborn. With Hold yr ache 2 my ache Zeynab Kirikou Gueye and Lau Lukkarila take their unfolding collaboration to the black box and are joined by performer Marika Peura. In a scenography created by artists Ju Aichinger and Val Holfeld, sound, dance and gut feelings meet as expressive protagonists. The piece researches the emotionality of the body and how it gushes out of different social and historical contexts. The artistic process is accompanied by production manager Laura Hähnel and a co-working care team, mirabella paidamwoyo* dziruni as racial awareness doula and Claire Lefèvre as performance doula. In a fountain-like dramaturgy, an asymmetrical spillover of embodied as well as fictional feelings surge from restraints of structural oppression and the alluring appeals of affect. Lowkey annoyed and flirty. Audaciously cringe. Overstimulated, feeling it all.

Artist Talk following the performance on Sat 23.11. Moderation: Claire Lefèvre and mirabella paidamwoyo* dziruni. In English.

Zeynab Kirikou Gueye,

(they/them), born in Prague, is an interdisciplinary artist based in Vienna. Their practice is influenced by their research in postcolonial studies and the ability to dream of visionary futurisms amidst social depression. Since 2017, they have been articulating their artistic practices mainly through the study of music, performance, and the politics of the dancefloor, as well as through collaboration with artists and researchers on interdisciplinary and politically involved projects.


Lau Lukkarila,

(they/them), born by the shore of the Gulf of Bothnia in Finland, is a choreographer and performer based in Vienna. They explore awkwardness, visceral interactions, power dynamics and the charms and demands of affect. Likes: accountability, music, feelings, words, attentive touch. Dislikes: stagnant paradigms, ‘but there is no scientific proof’, pricks.


Artistic direction Lau Lukkarila Sound design, live sound, conceptual collaboration Zeynab Kirikou Gueye Performance Marika Peura, Lau Lukkarila Stage, costume, light Ju Aichinger, Val Holfeld Racial awareness doula mirabella paidamwoyo* dziruni Performance doula Claire Lefèvre Production Laura Hähnel – A production by not your babe association in co-production with Tanzquartier Wien. With kind support from the Municipal Department of Cultural Affairs, Vienna, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sports, Mad House Helsinki and Creative Crossroads – Life Long Burning, a project as part of the Creative Europe Programme by the European Union.

TQW Halle G
€ 25/20/12