Knuckles become clouds
“What I want to emphasize is the priority of the relation and the awareness that one is the effect of irrepressible flows of encounters, interactions, affectivity and desire, which one is not in charge of.” — Rosi Braidotti, The Posthuman
Prokopová, Kekis and Gunnlaugsdóttir experiment with potential abilities of a post-human body and post-human mind. They question human perception and affections. The human is regarded as a character oscillating between states of dependency and authority in a multi-sensory world of interactions between animate and inanimate beings. These interaction patterns remind us of the prosthetic nature of all human beings, a nature rooted in interactional dimensions with other humans and species but also with other forms of technicity and materiality. Thus, any hierarchical and anthropocentric position of humankind will be questioned: Rather than vertical and hegemonic interactions, horizontal relationships will be emphasised. The three artists will present a post-human performativity by means of a joint body practice and a language based on memory, imagination and intuitive sensory input.
Double feature: Following Knuckles become clouds, you have the opportunity to see the performance Origins by Oleg Soulimenko at 19.30 at TQW Halle G.
born and raised in the Czech Republic, lives in Vienna. She studied philosophy, Czech literature and contemporary dance, she has worked as a choreographer and performer, and she teaches dance. Prokopová has received a scholarship from the Start Stipend of the Austrian Federal Chancellor’s Office, and she was awarded a danceWEB scholarship in 2012. Her artistic work focuses on interactions between sound and text and on an imaginary anatomy of the body. In Austria, she has previously worked alongside Liz King and Christine Gaigg / 2nd nature. Her latest work includes Corpse of a dance piece as part of imagetanz (brut 2015) and It beats soft in the veins (WUK performing arts 2017), also presented at 8:tension, ImPulsTanz.
born in Athens, is a choreographer, dramaturg and performer. His artistic work has been presented in Vienna, Salzburg, Barcelona, Athens, Mannheim und Mainz. Kekis is choreographic assistant to Anna MacRae (Are you a member?) und Lucie Strecker (Hasenblut+) and advisory dramaturg to Magdalena Chowaniec (Sanctuary), Claire Lefèvre and Evandro Pedroni (S/M Stage Made). He has also worked with Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir and Laia Fabre (And all in between) and featured in performances in Vienna by Doris Uhlich and Oleg Soulimenko; his installation Liebe deinen Nächsten was part of an exhibition at Galerie Das T/abor.
born in Reykjavík, Iceland, is a dancer and choreographer living and working in Vienna. She graduated from Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in 2014. Gunnlaugsdóttir has presented her own works at brut-Wien. She has collaborated with choreographers including Doris Uhlich, Michikazu Matsune, Alix Eynaudi, Andrea Maurer, Laia Fabre and Veza Fernández. Gunnlaugsdóttir received a scholarship from the Austrian Federal Chancellor’s Office in 2015.
Ticket combo: with a ticket of Origins only € 5. Available at the TQW box office and in our webshop.
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Costas Kekis, Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir & Anna Prokopová on Knuckles become clouds
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