Marta Navaridas


Marta Navaridas

born in San Sebastián, Spain, holds a master’s degree in Translation from UPF Barcelona and a bachelor’s in Choreography from AHK Arnhem. She also guest-studied at the Mime department of HKA Amsterdam for two years. Since 2008, she has been creating text-based performances together with Alex Deutinger. Selected works: Emancipation of Wonder, I Would Like to Be a Better Person, Octopus, Your Majesties. Since 2015, she has also produced her own performances: The Battle, I Swear, Onírica, Stomach and Once Upon a Time in the Flames / Our Firebird Ballet. Her works shuffle texts, live music and gestures in unpredictable ways, playfully questioning social formats as well as habits of perception. Based in Graz, Austria, and touring internationally, she presents her work in performing venues, as well as at galleries and museums.


Concept, choreography Marta Navaridas Text, performance Alexandru Cosarca, Alex Deutinger, Beatrice Frey, Julia Franz Richter, Alex Zehetbauer Live electronics, sound design Manuel Riegler Costumes Annemarie Arzberger Stage design, make-up artist Georg Klüver-Pfandtner Light design Bruno Pocheron Outside eye Lau Lukkarila Thanks to Frans Poelstra, Juliette Eröd Production management mollusca productions Production PERFORMANCEINITIATIVE 22 Coproduction Tanzquartier Wien Supported by the City of Graz, the Province of Styria, the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sports, ACT OUT, a project by IG Freie Theaterarbeit, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Tanzhaus Zurich


‘In MANIFESTATIONS, our team of performers become awfully transparent sentient beings who inform the audience at every moment about what they are feeling while observing and being observed, reminding every person in the theatre that we are all in this together, all playing our parts.’ – Marta Navaridas

In preparing for MANIFESTATIONS, performers Alexandru Cosarca, Alex Deutinger, Beatrice Frey, Julia Franz Richter and Alex Zehetbauer went through sight deprivation, smell overstimulation, virtual reality experiences, escape rooms, ghost trains and rollercoaster rides. Their spontaneous verbal reactions were recorded and will be in-ear audio-prompted back to them so they can mimic their own reactions and activate them on stage for the audience. Marta Navaridas playfully blends the authenticity of lived experiences with the make-believe situation of the theatre, looking for fake realities in real fakeness. MANIFESTATIONS both questions the structure and conventions of the black box theatre and pays a performative homage to the endless fictional scenarios that can be activated through the imagination.

Artist Talk following the performance on Fri 20.12., comedian Denice Bourbon in conversation with Marta Navaridas and participants in the production. In English.


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Marta Navaridas

born in San Sebastián, Spain, holds a master’s degree in Translation from UPF Barcelona and a bachelor’s in Choreography from AHK Arnhem. She also guest-studied at the Mime department of HKA Amsterdam for two years. Since 2008, she has been creating text-based performances together with Alex Deutinger. Selected works: Emancipation of Wonder, I Would Like to Be a Better Person, Octopus, Your Majesties. Since 2015, she has also produced her own performances: The Battle, I Swear, Onírica, Stomach and Once Upon a Time in the Flames / Our Firebird Ballet. Her works shuffle texts, live music and gestures in unpredictable ways, playfully questioning social formats as well as habits of perception. Based in Graz, Austria, and touring internationally, she presents her work in performing venues, as well as at galleries and museums.


Concept, choreography Marta Navaridas Text, performance Alexandru Cosarca, Alex Deutinger, Beatrice Frey, Julia Franz Richter, Alex Zehetbauer Live electronics, sound design Manuel Riegler Costumes Annemarie Arzberger Stage design, make-up artist Georg Klüver-Pfandtner Light design Bruno Pocheron Outside eye Lau Lukkarila Thanks to Frans Poelstra, Juliette Eröd Production management mollusca productions Production PERFORMANCEINITIATIVE 22 Coproduction Tanzquartier Wien Supported by the City of Graz, the Province of Styria, the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sports, ACT OUT, a project by IG Freie Theaterarbeit, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Tanzhaus Zurich

70 min
70 min
TQW Halle G
€ 25/20/12

In English and German
