No Title
In her solo No Title Mette Edvardsen is interested in how reality exists in language and how this extends into real space. She talks about things that are gone and things that remain and about the awareness that all things are impermanent and that nothing lasts forever. No Title asks what the piece and its making is, what a piece can do, what it is for, and what its power and limit could be. It is about the gap between a world and our ideas of it, the unbridgeable gap between thought and experience, between here and there. No Title is writing in space, a writing that is both additive and subtractive. It is a writing that traces and erases, that moves and halts: a writing that looks at things that are not there and recovers that which is instead.
Following the performance at 20.45: Opening of the installation and presentation of the joint publication by Andrea Maurer and Mette Edvardsen. Free admission.
is a Brussels-based Norwegian artist, who – alongside choreography and performance – is primarily interested by literature. For almost twenty years she has been developing her own individual works that have impressed through their application of intelligence and logic.
In 2014, she was part of Sommerszene Salzburg with Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine, in which she paid homage to the culture of listening. In 2019, she presented two of her works as part of Wiener Festwochen.
Covid-Info: What you should know before attending a performance at TQW.
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