Adam & Amina Seid Tahir

several attempts at braiding my way home

Adam Seid Tahir

is a dancer, choreographer and web developer interested in dreams and watery myths and their relationships to queer blackness. They are also deeply invested in what it means to be Afro-Nordic and have multiple heritage. Adam sees choreography as an opportunity to manifest dreams and loving speculations and use mediums including hair braiding, speculative somatics, 3D animation and sensor technology to create ephemeral worlds.

Amina Seid Tahir

is a Swedish-Eritrean artist and choreographer based in Stockholm and London. Her work is rooted in themes around resting and dreaming within the global majority community and grows through mediums such as sound, braiding, vibration, installation and performance. Braiding together her interests in ancestral knowledge with oral traditions and myths, she creates a universe between reality and fiction. Manifesting spaces where dreams can work like seeds to grow futures.


Choreographers Amina & Adam Seid Tahir Initiated and performed by Adam Seid Tahir Dramaturg Lydia Östberg Diakité Music Crystallmess Hair-costume Malcolm Marquez Costume Amina Seid Tahir Light Jonatan Winbo Tour producers Johnson & Bergsmark Supported by Kulturrådet, Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, MARC, Riksteaterns Produktionsresidens för dans 2021

several attempts at braiding my way home

Shifting between labour and speculative proposals, several attempts at braiding my way home insists on fiction as a tool for quaking potential and finding opportunities for recovery and belonging. The performance swims with the Clymene dolphins, who defy understandings of heritage. It listens to the walruses who trust their hair for navigation. several attempts at braiding my way home is a collection of strategies for creating a home in an Afro-Nordic landscape. Braiding hair, fusing bones, growing fins. It is a heatwave and a longing for home.

Artist Talk on Sat 25 May at 16.00 in TQW Studios. Artist and curator Isabelle Edi in conversation with Adam & Amina Seid Tahir. In English.

Adam Seid Tahir

is a dancer, choreographer and web developer interested in dreams and watery myths and their relationships to queer blackness. They are also deeply invested in what it means to be Afro-Nordic and have multiple heritage. Adam sees choreography as an opportunity to manifest dreams and loving speculations and use mediums including hair braiding, speculative somatics, 3D animation and sensor technology to create ephemeral worlds.

Amina Seid Tahir

is a Swedish-Eritrean artist and choreographer based in Stockholm and London. Her work is rooted in themes around resting and dreaming within the global majority community and grows through mediums such as sound, braiding, vibration, installation and performance. Braiding together her interests in ancestral knowledge with oral traditions and myths, she creates a universe between reality and fiction. Manifesting spaces where dreams can work like seeds to grow futures.


Choreographers Amina & Adam Seid Tahir Initiated and performed by Adam Seid Tahir Dramaturg Lydia Östberg Diakité Music Crystallmess Hair-costume Malcolm Marquez Costume Amina Seid Tahir Light Jonatan Winbo Tour producers Johnson & Bergsmark Supported by Kulturrådet, Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, MARC, Riksteaterns Produktionsresidens för dans 2021

Following Luca Büchler
40 min
Following Luca Büchler
40 min
TQW Studios
Day ticket: € 20/15

No/few language

Daytickets includes after the end, before the beginning 
