Michael Turinsky


drei Tänzerinnen mit nacktem Oberkörper und schwarzen, kurzen Hosen liegen auf einem weißen Boden mit dunkler, schmieriger Flüssigkeit
Michael Turinsky

lives and works as a choreographer, performer and theorist in Vienna. On the one hand, his interests include the comprehensive study of the specific phenomenology of the so-labelled ‘disabled’ body, its specific state of being in the world, its relation to timeliness and rhythm, affect and affect production, gender and sexuality, visibility and invisibility; and on the other hand, he dedicates his time to a rigorous research into discourses surrounding a productive tension between politics and aesthetics. His latest solo Precarious Moves was awarded the Nestroy Prize in 2022.


Choreography Michael Turinsky Performers, choreographical co-work David Bloom, Sophia Neises, Liv Schellander Music Tian Rotteveel Audio description Monique Smith-McDowell Stage, costume Jenny Schleif Light, technical management Benjamin Maier Artistic consulting Gabrielle Cram Creative collaborator Tanja Erhart Production Anna Gräsel – A production by Michael Turinsky, Verein für philosophische Praxis. Co-produced by Kampnagel Hamburg, Tanzquartier Wien, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, PACT Zollverein Essen, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm and Hessisches Staatsballett within the frame of Tanzplattform Rhein-Main. Supported by the Municipal Department of Cultural Affairs, Vienna. Thanks to Gervasi Tanz Company.


There lies the human being. Dirty. Stranded on the ground. Rays of sunlight tickle the stomach. There is a longing for the origin, which is somewhere beneath the concrete of civilisation, perhaps in the slippery water.

In SOILED, choreographer and performer Michael Turinsky counters our sterile, endlessly productive, clearly delimited, always upright and linearly advancing body with another body that asserts itself in a deeply human way. A porous, unclean and unproductive body in playful proximity to the ground. This very body is asserted as a profoundly human one – a body that savours its own organicity with pleasure, a body that dives into the dark pool of early memories and, precisely from there, the unifying milieu of a burgeoning new community.

Michael Turinsky

lives and works as a choreographer, performer and theorist in Vienna. On the one hand, his interests include the comprehensive study of the specific phenomenology of the so-labelled ‘disabled’ body, its specific state of being in the world, its relation to timeliness and rhythm, affect and affect production, gender and sexuality, visibility and invisibility; and on the other hand, he dedicates his time to a rigorous research into discourses surrounding a productive tension between politics and aesthetics. His latest solo Precarious Moves was awarded the Nestroy Prize in 2022.


Choreography Michael Turinsky Performers, choreographical co-work David Bloom, Sophia Neises, Liv Schellander Music Tian Rotteveel Audio description Monique Smith-McDowell Stage, costume Jenny Schleif Light, technical management Benjamin Maier Artistic consulting Gabrielle Cram Creative collaborator Tanja Erhart Production Anna Gräsel – A production by Michael Turinsky, Verein für philosophische Praxis. Co-produced by Kampnagel Hamburg, Tanzquartier Wien, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, PACT Zollverein Essen, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm and Hessisches Staatsballett within the frame of Tanzplattform Rhein-Main. Supported by the Municipal Department of Cultural Affairs, Vienna. Thanks to Gervasi Tanz Company.

70 min
70 min
TQW Halle G
€ 25/20/10 Subscription

In English

Live audio description in English

Alternative seating options: For all visitors who need more freedom of movement and comfort to follow the performance in a relaxed way, alternative seating (bean bags) is available in limited numbers per performance. To make a reservation request, please contact tanzquartier@tqw.at.
