
Presentation of the new collaborative university research platform Elfriede Jelinek

by the University of Vienna and the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK)

Presentation of the new collaborative university research platform Elfriede Jelinek

by the University of Vienna and the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK)

+++ Event postponed to autumn 2020 +++

There are many things science and the arts have in common: both unearth the unpleasant truths of society – but they do so in very different ways. This difference has also the potential to generate new knowledge that can be instrumental in artistic as well scientific research. For this reason, the newly founded collaborative university research platform Elfriede Jelinek brings together a university for the arts (MUK) and a university of science (University of Vienna) for the very first time. Together, these two universities will develop international research projects and networks as well as original formats of scientific-artistic research. Elfriede Jelinek and her artistic work will serve as the basis for questioning socio-political and aesthetic issues, i. e. “Music.Theater” or “Art and Politics”.

Multimedia presentation of the collaborative university research platform, its objectives and its members, including director Pia Janke and her team, Vice Principal of the University of Vienna Jean-Robert Tyran and Principal of MUK Andreas Mailath-Pokorny.

TQW Studios
Free admission

In German
