Let’s Not Talk About It. The Odourless Version




“Right now, it is not so important to produce art as it is to let ourselves be produced by it.” – Jennifer Lacey

Let’s Not Talk About It was planned as an improvisation lab on dance and writing in a shared physical space without the help of verbal communication. The Odourless Version is a mutated form that the lab was forced to take under the circumstances where a touch and bodily proximity were not really possible. Hosted through the series of Zoom sessions, the lab touched upon contemplation, intimacy, non-activity, make-up, revolutionary movement(s) and various forms of being together besides many other things. The publication Odourless collects traces, records, images that appeared after a week of digital encounters.

Contributions by Jennifer Lacey, Aleksei Borisionok, Pêdra Costa, Alix Eynaudi, Day M. Eve, Anne Juren, Krõõt Juurak, Mzamo Nondlwana, Amanda Piña and Lily Wittenburg

Browse the publication’s pdf version here
