We started our second meeting of TQW DOC on 9 April with a lecture of three excerpts provided by Lisa Moravec:
Michel Foucault, Überwachen und Strafen: Die Geburt des Gefängnisses
Donna Haraway, When Species Meet
Jacques Rancière, The Aesthetic Revolution and Its Outcomes
After discussing the texts and their complex of problems, Lisa Moravec put them in relation to her own thesis Horses (still) in Motion: The Techniques of “Dress-aging” the Body in Performance, its Technologies of Documentation, and its leftovers (1968–2016) which she is currently working on at the Royal Holloway University in London.
Charlotta Ruth presented her concept of Meta-Liveness that she is developing within the framework of her PhD in Artistic Research at the University of Applied Arts Vienna with the title Choreographic Contingencies for on and offline. In addition to her presentation, she introduced some physical exercises informed by diverse forms of presence.
Leander Gussmann, a member of the ÖH Doc Board of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, proposed the possibility to develop together a format that can be funded by the ÖH. After brainstorming we agreed on a Peer to Peer Skill Exchange Workshop day which will be held before summer.
Further participants of the discussion: Jette Büchsenschütz, Marijeta Karlovic Graf, Gianna Prein, Olive Schellander and Alina Tretinjak.
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