being, seeing and fine tuning
This practice is intended to renew clarity about our current bodily realities, expand ways of being present and sharpen the compass of our desires within our movement based work. We begin with a series of Martial Qi Gong related exercises to collect our attention and challenge our mobility, strength and precision of energetic structure. We go for grasping outer form through inner relating of cosmic forces to our flesh, fluids and bones. Then we slow ourselves way down into a meditative state of relational rest on the ground, welcoming any inner unrest. Together we practice directing our perception of sensing, thinking and being while doing nothing. Movements emerge from there, if they want to, from our desires, aversions, sensual curiosities and relations with subtle presences in each moment anew. Like a daily resurrection ritual that might offer moments of inner knowing on how exactly to proceed one breath at a time.
was born in Vienna and has worked as a choreographer, dancer, performer and teacher in New York for the last three decades. In her work she aims to get closer to visual art, psyche, somatics, sexuality and transience through performance. She was awarded the Artists Award by the NY Foundation for Contemporary Art and was regular faculty at Movement Research NY. Her work and workshops are offered internationally. Now back in Vienna, she co-founded School of Dying in 2022 and has been further developing her study program process as guide for dance artists since 2017. Melanie is also a certified Qi Gong practitioner, works with clients through Somatic Sexology and currently leads a dance class with people with mental and physical disabilities.