Morning Practice/Advanced Level 
Hugo Le Brigand

contemporary dance

Hugo Le Brigand

is an independent dancer known for his collaborative works with artists like Alix Eynaudi, Daniela Georgieva, Sebastiano Sing and Doris Uhlich. Alongside his international dancing career, Hugo teaches contemporary dance at RAUM für TANZ. He studied at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance (Leeds, UK) and the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, graduating in 2015. He has been recognised with several scholarships, including the danceWEB scholarship in 2017, the BMKÖS Startstipendium in 2018 and the TQW Scholarship Body & Performance Practices in 2023.

contemporary dance

This contemporary dance training comprises two key components. The first one is a shared warm-up tailored to open up spaces of our body with the help of repetitive movements coupled with an active breath. A dynamic physical practice to get into your body to start the day. Following the warm-up, the class features a diverse range of engaging choreographic and technical sequences incorporating various elements of standing, ground-based, and aerial movements. The class creates a space that allows you to dive into your bodies at your own intensity and where the joy of dancing takes centre stage.

Hugo Le Brigand

is an independent dancer known for his collaborative works with artists like Alix Eynaudi, Daniela Georgieva, Sebastiano Sing and Doris Uhlich. Alongside his international dancing career, Hugo teaches contemporary dance at RAUM für TANZ. He studied at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance (Leeds, UK) and the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, graduating in 2015. He has been recognised with several scholarships, including the danceWEB scholarship in 2017, the BMKÖS Startstipendium in 2018 and the TQW Scholarship Body & Performance Practices in 2023.

90 min
90 min
TQW Studios
€ 16/*6

Language: English, French
