Workshop/Advanced Level 
Amanda Piña


Embodying the brown lineage of European dance
Amanda Piña

is a Chilean-Mexican-Austrian-based artist living between Vienna and Mexico City. Her work embodies the political and social power of movement, grounded in indigenous forms of knowledge and world-making/maintaining practices. Piña is a plurifaceted artist working through choreographic and dance research, creating and curating educational frameworks, writing and editing publications around what she refers to as ‘endangered human movement practices’. Her work is concerned with the decolonisation of the arts and is to be found within performing and visual arts contexts. Her work was shown in various theatres, galleries, and museums worldwide.


Embodying the brown lineage of European dance

In this workshop, we will embody the dances of various artists from the 1920s. They are all part of a lineage of dance that European history has called ‘exoticism’. They represent the historical legacy of racialised people performing on European theatre stages. Their biographies are fascinating and much more complex than what they choose to represent on stage… if they could choose. They were very well-known and recognised artists at their time; they were very successful artists, but for some reason, European history did not take care of them. They were cast out from historical records, disappearing from collective memory. Their artistic lineage was later seen as problematic and hurtful.

Amanda Piña

is a Chilean-Mexican-Austrian-based artist living between Vienna and Mexico City. Her work embodies the political and social power of movement, grounded in indigenous forms of knowledge and world-making/maintaining practices. Piña is a plurifaceted artist working through choreographic and dance research, creating and curating educational frameworks, writing and editing publications around what she refers to as ‘endangered human movement practices’. Her work is concerned with the decolonisation of the arts and is to be found within performing and visual arts contexts. Her work was shown in various theatres, galleries, and museums worldwide.

180 min
180 min
TQW Studios
€ 120/*60 all days
€ 36/*15 per day
