Training/Open Level 
Elizabeth Ward (US/AT)

eyes closed

Elizabeth Ward
Elizabeth Ward,

is a choreographer and performer currently living in Vienna. Recent projects include the Anti-Fascist Ballet School made in collaboration with Magdalena Chowaniec and the beginnings of Seeing things through with Fabian Faltin. Since 2014 she has worked with electronic music producer AC/Boy on a techno witch ballet project that has been presented by brut, WUK, The Kitchen (NYC), Trinosophes (Detroit), ANA (Copenhagen) and featured by the Boiler Room. Previously she has shown work in NYC (Chocolate Factory, Danspace, Dixon Place, AUNTS, Movement Research at the Judson Church), Barcelona (La Poderosa), Berlin (Flutgraben), Detroit (Trinosophes), Los Angeles (Pieter PASD), Athens (Kiniterias), Seattle (Velocity), Brussels (BAINS Connective), and Portland (Disjecta).

As a dancer she has performed throughout Europe and North America in works of DD Dorvillier, Miguel Guterrez, Cathy Weis, Anne Juren,  Andrea Maurer, Yvonne Meier, Claudia Bosse, The Bureau for the Future of Choreography, Nesterval, Vanessa Anspaugh, Mårten Spångberg, Jennifer Lacey, Liz Santoro, Linda Austin, Roland Rauschmeier, Heather Kravas, and Antonija Livingstone amongst others.


eyes closed

Beginning with dances of eyes closed movers and wide eyed witnesses – the inner landscape and how it travels outwards will be our focus. Drawing from AM (Authentic Movement), somatics, meditation. Let’s give space to listen to, develop, explore the inside.

This going in is not meant as an escape but rather as a resource to draw from in our dancing and performing. As Audre Lorde once wrote: “When we begin to live from within outward…then we begin to be responsible to ourselves in the deepest sense.” During these sessions we’ll work with what’s present that day – our needs as individuals and as a collective. Depending on these needs in addition to the closed eyed dances we can test what it is to practice set movements with eyes closes (for example using ballet), create scores, work from and with our sight and invent dances together.

Elizabeth Ward,

is a choreographer and performer currently living in Vienna. Recent projects include the Anti-Fascist Ballet School made in collaboration with Magdalena Chowaniec and the beginnings of Seeing things through with Fabian Faltin. Since 2014 she has worked with electronic music producer AC/Boy on a techno witch ballet project that has been presented by brut, WUK, The Kitchen (NYC), Trinosophes (Detroit), ANA (Copenhagen) and featured by the Boiler Room. Previously she has shown work in NYC (Chocolate Factory, Danspace, Dixon Place, AUNTS, Movement Research at the Judson Church), Barcelona (La Poderosa), Berlin (Flutgraben), Detroit (Trinosophes), Los Angeles (Pieter PASD), Athens (Kiniterias), Seattle (Velocity), Brussels (BAINS Connective), and Portland (Disjecta).

As a dancer she has performed throughout Europe and North America in works of DD Dorvillier, Miguel Guterrez, Cathy Weis, Anne Juren,  Andrea Maurer, Yvonne Meier, Claudia Bosse, The Bureau for the Future of Choreography, Nesterval, Vanessa Anspaugh, Mårten Spångberg, Jennifer Lacey, Liz Santoro, Linda Austin, Roland Rauschmeier, Heather Kravas, and Antonija Livingstone amongst others.


90 min
90 min
TQW Studios

This training runs from 16 May till 20 June 2018.
