Morning Training/Open Level 
Malcolm Manning

Feldenkrais Method as Creative Process

Malcolm Manning

has been practising the Feldenkrais Method for over thirty years and regards it primarily as a pedagogical system that can be applied to a wide range of material. In the spirit of Moshe Feldenkrais, his approach to the method is creative and draws on some of the latest scientific and philosophical thinking on body and mind. Malcolm is certified to teach the Feldenkrais Method® and the Body And Earth Work developed by Andrea Olsen and Caryn McHose. He studied for two years at SNDO Amsterdam and has an MA in Dance Pedagogy from UniArts Helsinki. Also, extensive study and practice of Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement, Movement Shiatsu, Body Mind Centering and experiential anatomy.

Feldenkrais Method as Creative Process

The Feldenkrais Method is a complex, multi-layered, somatic self-educational system, and our context here is contemporary dance and performance art making. At first, the method appears simply to offer us a way to improve the quality, range and comfort with which we move. But as a pioneering systems thinker, Moshe Feldenkrais’ ambitions went further. The clue is in the name; he called his group work Awareness Through Movement. Feldenkrais’ ultimate intention was to cultivate the ability to meet the present moment with curiosity and creativity, free from emotional reactivity and habitual thinking. In each of these classes, an Awareness Through Movement lesson will be presented, framed by additional material to highlight how self-awareness can be developed to enhance creativity.

Malcolm Manning

has been practising the Feldenkrais Method for over thirty years and regards it primarily as a pedagogical system that can be applied to a wide range of material. In the spirit of Moshe Feldenkrais, his approach to the method is creative and draws on some of the latest scientific and philosophical thinking on body and mind. Malcolm is certified to teach the Feldenkrais Method® and the Body And Earth Work developed by Andrea Olsen and Caryn McHose. He studied for two years at SNDO Amsterdam and has an MA in Dance Pedagogy from UniArts Helsinki. Also, extensive study and practice of Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement, Movement Shiatsu, Body Mind Centering and experiential anatomy.

90 min
90 min
TQW Studios
€ 16/*6

Language: English
