Workshop/Open Level 
Jesùs Guiraldi

Movimiento Constante & Acrobatic Disposition

Jesús Guiraldi

is a performer, dancer, and teacher. His passion lies in multiple movement languages, the act of movement itself, creating spaces, and intertwining experiences, people, and places. Including, creating and imprinting spaces to revolutionise movement. He is the director of the Movimiento Constante association, of E.M.E. (Movement Experimentation Specialisation) and of Una Constante company. In 2017, he won the Rhythm is a Dancer Dance Contest at the ImPulsTanz festival. Since then, he has travelled the world as a movement researcher and teacher.


Movimiento Constante & Acrobatic Disposition

This workshop explores the holistic connection between body and space, integrating the human being with the environment. It promotes fluidity between different body languages, fostering awareness and strength of diversity. Improvisation cultivates spatial awareness, variation of speed and weight, enrichment of temporal relationships and imaginative expression.

Structured in two parts, the workshop develops acrobatic sequences emphasising support and thrust concepts, using kinetic energy and inertia for stability. The second part focuses on spontaneous composition through energy release, centring and peripheral activation. Improvisation is central to developing unique movement tools and artistic expressions such as vocal and gestured.


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Jesús Guiraldi

is a performer, dancer, and teacher. His passion lies in multiple movement languages, the act of movement itself, creating spaces, and intertwining experiences, people, and places. Including, creating and imprinting spaces to revolutionise movement. He is the director of the Movimiento Constante association, of E.M.E. (Movement Experimentation Specialisation) and of Una Constante company. In 2017, he won the Rhythm is a Dancer Dance Contest at the ImPulsTanz festival. Since then, he has travelled the world as a movement researcher and teacher.


150 min
150 min
TQW Studios
€ 60/*30 all days
€ 30/*12,5 per day

Language: English
