In this training we dive into the kinetic know-how and contemporary self-conception of human bodies. Therein dance is understood as a practice and articulation of intelligent and capable bodies. We investigate the logics of one’s own anatomy, play with gravity and centrifugal force, explore connections inside the body and beyond its material borders. Musicality, coordination, flexibility and balance as well as differentiation of speed and orientation in space will be challenged by sequences and structures for improvisation.
Central aim of this class is to convey a pleasurable, conscious and artistic approach to bodies. And in addition to that to research the potentialities of movement and empowerment within the structures they are embedded in. Within the scope of this training, the capacity of human bodies for communication, sensitivity and imagination provides the basis for a reflection on freedom of movement and physical intelligence.
creates, researches and teaches in the fields of choreography and dance. She studied Choreography and Performance at the Institut for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen, Contemporary Dance Pedagogy at the Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität (now: MUK) and at the University for Dance and Circus in Stockholm. In her practice she questions the contemporary self-conception of the human body within concrete, imagined and projected environments and structures.
Inge received the danceWEB scholarship at the 2016 ImPulsTanz Festival and a research grant by the city of Vienna in 2018. Furthermore she works as a freelance scientific researcher at the dance archive of the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna. She teaches and gave workshops at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna, the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen and at Raum für Tanz in Vienna, a. o.
Sold out
€ 30
Mon 28 Sep – Fri 02 Oct 2020, 10.00–11.30
Ticket sales for accredited training participants start Thu, 03 Sep, 10.00.