Training/Open Level 
Anne Juren (FR/AT)

Public Fantasmical Anatomy Lessons

Anne Juren,

born in Grenoble, is a choreographer, dancer and performer. She lives and works in Vienna. In 2003, she founded the Wiener Tanz- und Kunstbewegung association together with visual artist Roland Raagas. Juren’s choreographic pieces and artistic works are shown in theatres and museums, at festivals and biennal exhibitions worldwide. Juren seeks to expand the concept of choreography in her work.

She explores the physis, the sensory system, kinaesthesia and sensuality by challenging the boundaries between the private and the public. Anne Juren has been a Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2013. She is currently a member of the Artistic Committee of the Master in Choreography programme at DOCH (Stockholm) and is writing her thesis at the Stockholm University of the Arts under the supervision of André Lepecki and Sandra Noeth.

Public Fantasmical Anatomy Lessons

Over the past few years, Anne Juren has been unfolding a Fantasmical Anatomy as real as a piece of bone. In Private Anatomy Lessons at ImPulsTanz 2018, she expanded the imagination of the body and its boundaries by proposing a textual landscape that included poetic, fantastical, speculative and imaginative dimensions and placed choreography inside the body of the spectators. Public Fantasmical Anatomy Lessons is a continuation of this process. Each lesson is a performance and exposes and treats a different body part with the dynamics of desire – through voice, writing, sensorial embodiment, different body practices and dance.


Mon, 5 Nov, The Tongue – Desire for Language

Tue, 6 Nov, The Shoulders – Desire for Symmetry

Wed, 7 Nov, The Skin – Desire for a Containing Shell

Thu, 8 Nov, The Sexual Organs – Erotic Desire

Fri, 9 Nov, The Eye – Desire for Seeing

Anne Juren,

born in Grenoble, is a choreographer, dancer and performer. She lives and works in Vienna. In 2003, she founded the Wiener Tanz- und Kunstbewegung association together with visual artist Roland Raagas. Juren’s choreographic pieces and artistic works are shown in theatres and museums, at festivals and biennal exhibitions worldwide. Juren seeks to expand the concept of choreography in her work.

She explores the physis, the sensory system, kinaesthesia and sensuality by challenging the boundaries between the private and the public. Anne Juren has been a Feldenkrais® Practitioner since 2013. She is currently a member of the Artistic Committee of the Master in Choreography programme at DOCH (Stockholm) and is writing her thesis at the Stockholm University of the Arts under the supervision of André Lepecki and Sandra Noeth.

60 min
60 min
TQW Studios

Price per lesson: € 6
