Morning Training/Open Level 
Malcolm Manning

The Tuning Class

The Feldenkrais Method as Creative Process
Malcolm Manning

“Fifteen years ago, I chose to make teaching my artist practice and the process of creating classes my field of artistic research. An inquiry of what it is to be a thinking, feeling, moving subject through facilitating a dialogue with ourselves and our environment in which we are empowered to be our own experts.” Specialising in the application of somatics to contemporary dance and beyond that to wider society. Certified to teach the Feldenkrais Method®; Body And Earth® work of Andrea Olsen and Caryn McHose; SNDO Amsterdam (1993–95); MA in Dance Pedagogy from UniArts Helsinki (2007–11).

The Tuning Class

The Feldenkrais Method as Creative Process

We tune ourselves to our inner/outer environment through gentle guided movements of attention and our physical bodies. We taste what it might mean to be more centered in our experience, more grounded in our bodies and more present to the unfolding of time. The practice is offered as a resource to develop and support resilience in these uncertain times. The aim is simply to leave the classes feeling better than when you arrived, ready for whatever comes next.

The material emerges from Malcolm’s 35 year experience of a range of dance and somatic approaches and organises pedagogically through the lens of the Feldenkrais Method. Primary lineage, besides Moshe Feldenkrais, is rooted in the work of Mary Fulkerson, Steve Paxton, Simone Forti, Bonnie Cohen, Julyen Hamilton, Hubert Godard and Bill Palmer.

Malcolm Manning

“Fifteen years ago, I chose to make teaching my artist practice and the process of creating classes my field of artistic research. An inquiry of what it is to be a thinking, feeling, moving subject through facilitating a dialogue with ourselves and our environment in which we are empowered to be our own experts.” Specialising in the application of somatics to contemporary dance and beyond that to wider society. Certified to teach the Feldenkrais Method®; Body And Earth® work of Andrea Olsen and Caryn McHose; SNDO Amsterdam (1993–95); MA in Dance Pedagogy from UniArts Helsinki (2007–11).

90 min
90 min
TQW Studios
€ 16/ *6