Workshop on Stage
What do Pina Bausch and the ZDF Hit Parade have in common, especially in terms of their nation-building character? Inspired by the subtitle Schlagerballett (‘hit ballet’) of an early work by Bausch and her company, which could perhaps be described as one of Germany’s most successful exports of high culture, choreographer and performer Joana Tischkau sets out in search of ways to queer the German national narrative.
In this workshop, which is partly a choreographic experiment and partly a Black history lesson, Tischkau provides insights into her artistic processes and the inspiration for her work.
is an artist, choreographer and director. She completed her bachelor’s degree in dance and acting at the School of Media and Performing Arts at Coventry University in England. During the master’s programme in choreography and performance at the University of Gießen’s Department of Applied Theatre Studies, she developed an artistic practice that combines the fields of discourse on racism, feminism, popular culture and Black German identity, and dispenses with didactic approaches in negotiating them. Her pieces PLAYBLACK, BEING PINK AIN’T EASY, Colonastics, DMSUBM, KARNEVAL and YO BRO have toured across Europe and were invited to various festivals, including Tanzplattform Deutschland (Munich & Berlin), Impulse Festival NRW, Wiener Festwochen, Radikal Jung Festival in Munich and Brecht Festival in Augsburg. In 2024, Joana Tischkau received the Tabori Prize from the German Performing Arts Fund (Fonds Darstellende Künste).
When purchasing a workshop ticket, you will receive a discounted performance ticket for € 7.