Neuzugänge Jänner 2020

Neuer Lesestoff in der TQW Bibliothek

Neuer Lesestoff in der TQW Bibliothek

Aggermann, Lorenz / Döcker, Georg / Siegmund, Gerald (Ed.)    
Theater als Dispositiv der Demokratie. Foucault liest Euripides

Anzaldúa, Gloria
Borderlands – La Frontera – The New Mestiza

Arfara, Katia / Mancewicz, Aneta / Remshardt, Ralf (Ed.)
Intermedial Performance and Politics in the Public Sphere

Bannon, Fiona
Considering Ethics in Dance, Theatre and Performance

Boyd, Candice P. / Edwardes Christian (Ed.)
Non-representational Theory and the Creative Arts

Breed, Ananda / Prentki, Tim (Ed.)
Performance and Civic Engagements

Butler, Alison
Displacements. Reading Space and Time in Moving Image Installation

Chow, Broderick / Mangold, Alex (Ed.)
Žižek and Performance

Cull, Laura / Lagaay, Alice (Ed.)
Encounters in Performance Philosophy

Daddario, Will / Gritzner, Karoline (Ed.)
Adorno and Performance

Esposito, John L. / Iner, Derya (Ed.)
Islamophobia and Radicalization. Breeding Intolerance and Violence

Flynn, Alex / Tinius, Jonas (Ed.)
Anthropology, Theatre, and Development. The Transformative Potential of Performance

Foster, Susan Leigh (Ed.)
RE-Perspective Deborah Hay

Garner, Stanton B.
Kinesthetic Spectatorship in the Theatre. Phenomenology, Cognition, Movement

Grant, Stuart / Mc Neilly, Jodie / Veerapen, Maeva (Ed.)
Performance and Temporalisation. Time Happens

Gržinić, Marina / Stojnić, Aneta (Ed.)
Shifting Corporealities in Contemporary Performance. Danger, Im/mobility and Politics

Hadley, Bree
Disability, Public Space Performance and Spectatorship. Unconscious Performers

Han, Byung-Chul
Vom Verschwinden der Rituale. Eine Topologie der Gegenwart

Hornback, Robert
Racism and Early Blackface Comic Traditions. From the Old World to the New

Ingold, Tim
Anthropologie – Was sie bedeutet und warum sie wichtig

Jarvis, Liam
Immersive Embodiment. Theatres of Mislocalized Sensation

Koczy, Daniel
Beckett, Deleuze and Performance. A Thousand Failures and a Thousand Inventions

Lawrence, Tim
Samuel Beckett´s Critical Aesthetics

Lorde, Audre
Sister Outsider. Essays and Speeches

Marder, Michael
Plant-Thinking. A Philosophy of Vegetal Life

McCutcheon, Jade Rosina / Seller-Young, Barbara (Ed.)
Embodied Consciousness. Performance Technologies

Mignolo, Walter D. / Walsh, Catherine E.
On Decoloniality. Concepts. Analytics. Praxis

Nelson, Maggie
Die Argonauten

Nelson, Robin (Ed.)
Practice as Research in the Arts. Principles, Protocols, Pedagogies, Resistances

O’Sullivan, Simon
Art Encounters Deleuze and Guattari. Thought beyond Representation

Orozco, Lourdes / Parker-Starbuck, Jennifer (Ed.)
Performing Animality. Animals in Performance Practices

Paavolainen, Teemu
Theatricality and Performativity. Writings on Texture from Plato´s Cave to Urban Activism

Paoli, Guillaume
Soziale Gelbsucht

Paoli, Guillaume
Die Lange Nacht der Metamorphose. Über die Gentrifizierung der Kultur

Perazzo Domm, Daniela
Jonathan Burrows. Towards a Minor Dance

Rouse, John; Lichtenfels, Peter (Ed.)
Performance, Politics and Activism

Schuermann, Eva
Seeing as Practice. Philosophical Investigations into the Relation between Sight and Insight

Siegmund, Gerald
Jérôme Bel. Dance, Theatre and the Subject

Syssoyeva, Kathrin Mederos / Proudfit, Scott (Ed.)
Women, Collective Creation, and Devised Performance. The Rise of Women Theatre Artists in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

Walmsley, Ben
Audience Engagement in the Performing Arts

Wardhaugh, Jessica
Popular Theatre and Political Utopia in France 1870-1940

Zaroulia, Marilena; Hager, Philip (Ed.)
Performances of Capitalism, Crises and Resistance. Inside/Outside Europe

Mehr Infos über die TQW Bibliothek 
